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First draft prepared by Dr Zoltán Adamis, József Fodor National Center for Public Health, National Institute of Chemical Safety, Budapest, Hungary; and Dr Richard B ...
OECD.Stat enables users to search for and extract data from across OECD's many databases.
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Tholeiitic basalt is relatively rich in silica and poor in sodium. Included in this category are most basalts of the ocean floor, most large oceanic islands, and ...
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A An adjective, commonly called the indefinite article, and signifying one or any, but less emphatically. Aard-vark (n.) An edentate mammal, of the genus Orycteropus ...
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Pottery is the craft of making ceramic material into pots or pottery wares using clay. Major types of potterywares include earthenware, stoneware and porcelain.
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Random fixed point of Greguš mapping and its application to nonlinear stochastic integral equations Author :ISMAT BEG, M. SA, ANAMIKA GANGULY, DEBASHIS DEY